Joint International Research Project Europe 2021

An unusual civil society: How co-research farmers and agroecopreneurs contribute to the transformation of food systems

An unusual civil society: How co-research farmers and agroecopreneurs contribute to the transformation of food systems Lessons learned from an international hybrid seminar on 24 May 2022 held at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Bandung, Indonesia With its 275 million inhabitants, 17,000 islands and 90,000 km of coastline Indonesia is facing major challenges when it comes to […]
Interview mit Christel Weller-Molongua (GIZ) zum 60jährigen Jubiläum des SLE

Interview mit Svenja Sender & Jan Sommer (SLE) zum 60jährigen Jubiläum des SLE

Interview mit Joachim Turre (BMZ) zum 60jährigen Jubiläum des SLE

Theater of the Oppressed, Baka, Cameroon

In 2018, a team of researchers from the Humboldt University, Berlin (SLE) traveled to Lobeke National Park to conduct a conflict analysis between the park management and local communities. To better understand the conflicts from the perspective of the local populations, the team employed a visual method inspired by Theater of the Oppressed, and what […]
Sustainability Hot Spot Analysis – Uganda

Reflection and recommendations on tandem research in the Global North – in a team of Global South and Global North postgraduates

Photo Competition: “Transformation”

Photo Competition: “Transformation” The winner of the competition will be announced during the anniversary party. Jena cityscape with birds Katrin Schilling Transformation of nature in urban space at a tram stop in the city of Jena. The photo shows the result of the transformation from three-dimensional natural landscape to two-dimensional urban landscape through various demarcation […]
What value(s) of food do we want to add?

What value(s) of food do we want to add? We need a new understanding of “added value” along food value chains to promote a shift toward sustainable food systems. H. Stöbesand A key concept in the context of food value chains is, of course, the concept of “value added”. Conventionally, “value added” is defined as […]