An unusual civil society: How co-research farmers and agroecopreneurs contribute to the transformation of food systems

An unusual civil society: How co-research farmers and agroecopreneurs contribute to the transformation of food systems Lessons learned from an international hybrid seminar on 24 May 2022 held at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Bandung, Indonesia With its 275 million inhabitants, 17,000 islands and 90,000 km of coastline Indonesia is facing major challenges when it comes to […]
WHO IS WHO: Boniface Mabanza Bamba

WHO IS WHO: Boniface Mabanza Bambu WHO IS WHO: Boniface Mabanza Bambu Trainer für Entwicklungspolitik und Antirassismus Das Wichtigste zuerst: Wie findest Du Freude im Alltag? Ich begreife das Leben als Geschenk und aus der Bejahung dieses Geschenkes leite ich die positive Grundeinstellung ab, die ich trotz aller Widrigkeiten bewahre. In allen Situationen habe ich […]
Why is KFC Kenya running out of fries, and why do we need to talk about it?

Why is KFC Kenya running out of fries, and why do we need to talk about it? What the ‘potato-gate’ scandal and our research on the potato value chain in Uganda tell us about local food value chains Normally, potatoes aren’t really a big thing in the media – until January this year. We were […]