Seminar für ländliche Entwicklung

Participants of the postgraduate study program at the SLE submitted their best pictures for a contest thrown to celebrate the years of overseas projects carried out as part of the curriculum. You can find the submitted pictures below!

Omotunde Kasali
“The photo represents a transformative way of and paradigm shift in carrying out international development: in the Global North - with the Global South. The farmer in the photo (middle) is a member of a SOLAWI, practising aspects of sustainable farming with less inputs on his farm. The research (including the interview with him) entails an investigation of agroecology for rural development, basically looking at how agroecology can sustainably transform food systems for rural development.”
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Deborah Kallee
“The picture reflects the importance of agricultural for our daily lives which is often disregarded. This needs to change.”
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Jonas Schaaf
“Preparing for winter: Mid-September is the time when Upper Allgäu mountain farmers bring their cattle down from the alpine pastures to the valley."
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Annika Reimann
“The picture is capturing in its simplicity female participation in rural settings."
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Sari Luisa Jung:
“The Tunisian-Moroccon Ecoproject in the Zammour Region (Southern part of Tunisia) tackles the reduction of resources by better collecting and recycling waste."
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Alexander Kückes
"Le Lemon Tour is a sustainable tourism initiative and change agent in Tunis."
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Carolin Grasi
"Great Walser Valley, Vorarlberg (Austria): Redefining the highlands. It takes little to contribute to transformation - a bag of soil and a pinch of pragmatism."
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Ruth Meißner, Gabriela Degen und Sari- Luisa Jung
"The first certified Eco Hotel in North Africa, Dar Ennaim: transforming the way tourism is usually done."
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Thomas Beutler
Biologische Milchviehwirtschaft von "Lobetaler Bio" im Berliner Umland
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