Seminar für ländliche Entwicklung

Workshops of the SLE's 60-year anniversary

Special workshops

Workshop 1: Transformative Value Chains and their Contribution to Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems

The SEWOH initiative promotes agricultural value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Vietnam with the aim of increasing income and employment and thus contributing to poverty reduction and food security. It is important that the value chain promotion of the future also contributes to the sustainable transformation of food systems. How should the sustainability of agricultural value chains be measured? Which principles should lead to more holistic considerations in the future and guide funding decisions? What orientation can certain conceptual guidelines provide, and what are their limits?

Workshop 2: When the best leader's work is done, the people say, “We did it ourselves". What meaning does co-learning have for transformative consultancy?

International exchange of experience: Farmers are substantially affected by the climate crisis. A high degree of adaptation, innovation and learning is demanded of them. However, practical training offers are often out of context and top down oriented. The target groups remain fall by the wayside. In the workshop we want to break up antiquated didactic consulting processes and deal with co-learning examples with the help of live-online experience reports and changes of perspective.

Workshop 3: Real collaboration – on the future of development cooperation

Global DC future vision – and: what is in it for me: Especially the so-called developed countries have driven the world to the edge of the abyss: Climate, biodiversity and resource crises continue to escalate despite countless warnings and are irreversible! Catch-up development concepts with “more of the same” are therefore no longer convincing. So which understanding of development makes sense and which development policies outside colonial continuities are justifiable? How can we achieve cooperation that is as free of paternalism as possible – and can we reinvent the professional field of development cooperation accordingly?

Workshop 4: “You can(’t) always eat what you want”

Healthy, nutritious, organic, ethical, socially inclusive, fresh, tasty, safe, affordable, low-loss, available, regional, seasonal, familiar, convenient and favorably with a low carbon footprint and increasingly often vegan: the list of factors that guide our food choices in the global North is long. 

Complex decisions to eat a “good” meal lead to value-based conflicts and trade-offs for individuals, families, and social groups. In this workshop, participants will collectively discover the complexity of various food choice and resulting conflicts by taking part in culinary co-research experiments. Together, we will reflect on multifaceted aspects, such as the missing global producer-consumer linkages causing food alienation. The workshop concludes with co-research practices to foster transformative global food systems.

Workshop Layout: Introduction and critical analysis of the Co-Research method:

  • 9:30: Introduction of workshop(objectives) & Introduction of all participants 
  • 10:00 Initiation of food system complexity and research idea & process of Co-Research Project
  • 10:15  Action 1: Going through the Process  
  • 11:00 Reflection 
  • 12:00  Action 2: Be a researcher during Lunch break 
  • 14:00 Reflection about researcher activity (challenges, what works, what didn’t…)
  • 14:30: Reflection about results – Applied learning to the results of the food experiments: Feedback consumer (Mentimeter)/KoboToolBox)
  • 15:00 Reflection Benefits and challenges/Lessons learned  of Co-Research Projects


Participants experience collectively which factors guide food choices and critically reflect upon the many challenges and questions of producer groups, then provide feedback on their experiences back to those producers. The relevance of co-creation of knowledge and other enabling factors to transform global food systems are assessed.


  1. Conflict Foods – „Lebensmittel aus Konfliktregionen Fair und direkt gehandelt – So schmeckt Frieden“ >
  2. KORNKREIS Erzeugergemeinschaft – Bio von Bauern aus Süddeutschland >
  3. Solioli – solidarisch wirtschaften, fairer Handel, ökologische Produktion, ein anderes Europa >
  4. Africrops! > Handel statt Hilfeleistungen. Für ein blühendes Afrika >


Workshop 5: Exporting democracy? – Interventions yes, but please with caution! Lessons from the Afghanistan Debacle

Policy debate: This debacle calls for rethinking, among other things, the legitimacy and limits of international interventions. This also applies to interventions under the auspices of development cooperation. Political interventions often go wrong due to a lack of local competence; they usually fail to recognize historical and social contexts. How can these intervention dilemmas be solved without our normative policy models failing in the face of different historical realities?