Joint International Research Project Europe 2021
Theater of the Oppressed, Baka, Cameroon
In 2018, a team of researchers from the Humboldt University, Berlin (SLE) traveled to Lobeke National Park to conduct a conflict analysis between the park management and local communities. To better understand the conflicts from the perspective of the local populations, the team employed a visual method inspired by Theater of the Oppressed, and what […]
What value(s) of food do we want to add?
What value(s) of food do we want to add? We need a new understanding of “added value” along food value chains to promote a shift toward sustainable food systems. H. Stöbesand A key concept in the context of food value chains is, of course, the concept of “value added”. Conventionally, “value added” is defined as […]
Pesquisa Aplicada ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Experiências no Brasil, Moçambique e Alemanha
In the last few years, several projects fostering international cooperation for sustainable development among academic institutions have focused their efforts on addressing global challenges at different levels of decision-making by incorporating a bottom-up approach and working with participatory methods. The present book contributes to this endeavour by introducing the results of selected internships developed within […]
Agroecopreneurs, transforming food systems
PhotoVoice Uganda 2021
Uganda 2021 SLE PhotoVoice Project Uganda 2021 SLE PhotoVoice Project Within our project study on the Sustainability Hot Spots (SHS) of the Irish potato value chain and the Nile perch value chain in Uganda we used photovoice within the exploratory phase to approach the research field. “Fresh fish represents youth employment, in case they put […]
SLE Documentary: journey to the heart of the Beninese poultry sector
Farmers’ voices: farmer field labs — research farmers in practice
“I am appealing to academic people — they must come and work with us” Nomonde Kweza, subsistence farmer in South Africa A recent study of Ceres2030 found that 95 % of academic papers on smallholders were actually not relevant to the needs smallholders and their families ( . How can science support the needs of […]
Kooperation mit Aus- und Weiterbildungszentren Mali
Hier werden die Ergebnisse eines 6jährigen Beratungsprojektes vorgestellt. Seit 2016 berät das SLE 12 malische Bildungseinrichtungen mit landwirtschaftlich gärtnerischer Ausrichtung in den Wertschöpfungsketten Reis, Mango und Kartoffel zu den Themen Agrarökologie, Mechanisierung und Erneuerbare Energien. Auftraggeber ist die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) und das hierzugehörige Grüne Innovationszentrum Mali. Die Beratung des SLE zielt auf […]
PhotoVoice Cameroon 2018
Cameroon 2018 SLE PhotoVoice Project Cameroon 2018 SLE PhotoVoice Project “The climate convention wants Africa to reduce CO2, to protect its forest. You impose that, but what is our benefit? In America, in Brazil, forests are cut down to give room to industries, you have work and you are rich. But in Africa, people must […]